The Feminine Fire: Why Women need to step into the Conversation on Boarding School Trauma

At the premiere of Boarding on Insanity, the energy in the room was palpable. As the credits rolled and the Q&A began, I felt a powerful force emanati...

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Being Sent to Coventry at Boarding School: The Hidden Wounds of Social Exclusion.


In my women's cohort this week, we heard how "Being Sent to Coventry" can be so damaging for young girls, and how the impact can be felt decades la...

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Family Constellation work and how it helped me take better care of myself


Last Saturday I chose to spend the day with a group of strangers doing Family Constellation work.

This involved meeting in a village hall In Lew...

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Gay boy.....
If we watch films such as "Another Country" and "If," it is clearly demonstrated how this "banter" begins when the boys are away at school and cont...
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January Newsletter - New Year offerings

 January 2025.  Happy New Year!

The Christmas season is over.

This year I opted out altogether and woke up on Christmas Day in Goa in India.  It is ...

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Do you feel you are unloveable and not good enough?

How hard is it to shift such beliefs that we may have about ourselves? 

Often, we make these core beliefs about ourselves when we are children and i...

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Why Do The Work?

Why keep showing up and doing the work?

Last night I had a final session with a group of women who I first started working with in 2022.  They took a...

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What's it Like for Girls?

Much of the content of this blog post is taken from an article I had published in "Therapy Today," in December 2022. 

With Enid Blyton’s stories of m...

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Last Day of Term Messages


I have just waved my youngest daughter off to school for her last day of school. Presents in her bag for the teachers and a black marker pen to wri...

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Should I go back to my Old School Alumni Day?

At this time of year, you may be receiving invitations to return to your old boarding school to revisit, celebrate and meet up with fellow old pupils ...

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Why Do a Training Specifically for Female Ex-Boarders?

My colleague Sara Warner and I provided a training day for Therapists in London who wanted to understand more about the ways boarding school may have ...

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Why open Pandora's box and look at the impact of Boarding School?

I hear this often.  Sometimes clients come with trepidation, aware that Boarding School was very traumatic for them. Others come saying, “I had a grea...

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