Mother’s Day, Boarding School, and the Wounds of Separation


This Sunday is Mother’s Day which is often seen as a day filled with love, appreciation, and celebration. But for many ex-boarders, it can be a com...

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Should I go back to my Old School Alumni Day?

At this time of year, you may be receiving invitations to return to your old boarding school to revisit, celebrate and meet up with fellow old pupils ...

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Why Do a Training Specifically for Female Ex-Boarders?

My colleague Sara Warner and I provided a training day for Therapists in London who wanted to understand more about the ways boarding school may have ...

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The Travel Bug or the Search for Belonging?

This morning I received a message from my 18-year-old daughter who is currently partying away at the Full Moon Party in Thailand. "I think I'll be rea...

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Groups - Love them or loathe them?

Last weekend I went to Edinburgh for a wedding with a group of friends I have made at my local CrossFit gym. It was planned months ago and as it appro...

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Relationships with Parents and Harry Styles

A few weekends ago I spent the night with my teenage daughter and 90,000 others at Wembley Stadium watching Harry Styles perform. This was planned for...

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Parallels of dropping your child at university with boarding school.

This September I made the long drive from Brighton to Edinburgh to take my eldest daughter to University for the first time. We could have taken the t...

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How busy are you?

Present-day Boarding School websites proudly tell parents that their timetable of constant activities, especially in the first few weeks of term, leav...

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Would you choose to put your child in Care?

Joy Schaverien has noted that that the definition of children in care seems to fit the child in boarding school. (Boarding School Syndrome, 2015)


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What age did you leave home?

When I first did my counselling training and we were exploring Human Growth and Development, I recall the Tutor asking us, "What age did you leave hom...

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Did going to boarding school help me to run a marathon?

It was the Brighton Marathon. The sun shone and the city came alive as residents came out to support and cheer on the runners. As a young child, I use...

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How might intimate relationships be impacted by Boarding School Trauma?

To cope with the huge attachment loss that a child is subjected to at an early age when they are sent to boarding school, many children learn to cut o...

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