Present-day Boarding School websites proudly tell parents that their timetable of constant activities, especially in the first few weeks of term, leav...
Joy Schaverien has noted that that the definition of children in care seems to fit the child in boarding school. (Boarding School Syndrome, 2015)
When I first did my counselling training and we were exploring Human Growth and Development, I recall the Tutor asking us, "What age did you leave hom...
It was the Brighton Marathon. The sun shone and the city came alive as residents came out to support and cheer on the runners. As a young child, I use...
To cope with the huge attachment loss that a child is subjected to at an early age when they are sent to boarding school, many children learn to cut o...
Going through puberty is a difficult time for teenagers. Your body starts to change, hairs start sprouting, you start to sweat more, your body is bei...
This week, those taking part in my Boarding School Awareness Course started to recognise how they adapted themselves to fit in with their peer group a...
Many young children will be feeling "homesick" over these next few weeks as they are left by their parents to begin life at their new institutions.
What are your memories of your first day at school?
Many ex-boarders can find this question hard to answer. Often it can take time to recall, and somet...
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