Why Do The Work?

boarding school relationships women's experience Aug 14, 2024

Why keep showing up and doing the work?

Last night I had a final session with a group of women who I first started working with in 2022.  They took a leap of faith with me and joined my first online Boarding School Awareness Course. As the course has expanded, they chose to come back and do the extra modules that I have now added.  These focus on integrating all that they learnt initially and making changes.

What has been so wonderful is seeing the progress and the changes that have occurred since they started two years ago. The friendships and connections formed.  Different backgrounds, ages, sexual orientations and nationalities.

One member described how when she first started this work with me there was terror about opening the trunk.  Then when she did, it all came spilling out and was messy and overwhelming at times.  All the feelings, the anger, the shame.  Now the trunk is neatly packed and is back under her bed.  She isn’t afraid of it anymore and nor does she want to get rid of it. She understands that it is part of her, and it has made her into who she is now.  The anger has gone, she accepts herself for all the imperfections she has and is now making different choices in life and having healthy relationships.  She was 5 when she was first sent to boarding school.

This isn’t quick fix therapy.  It can be hard and messy and scary at times.  Undoing harmful patterns that you instilled as a young child to protect you, can take a lot of convincing to let go of.

Being part of a group of fellow explorers who are all committed to opening their trunks and showing themselves to one another and being met with acceptance is incredibly powerful.

Thank you to you all for the openness, the tears, the laughter, the connection and the willingness to be your authentic selves.  It ain't easy to do, but I do believe it is worth it and you have all proved it. 




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