
I offer you both a non-judgemental space in which you can share your thoughts and feelings with each other and with me. My intention is to enable you both to express yourselves in such a way so that you feel heard and listened to by your partner, so that you are able to communicate with each other in a healthy way.

Sometimes we get really stuck in relationship and old patterns of behaviour just keep repeating themselves. We can find ourselves feeling so angry about our partner not picking their clothes up off the floor and having a huge row about it, when underneath we may be thinking, “If they cared about me, they would pick their clothes up  because it matters to me.” It can be harder to express our vulnerable feelings, and easier to sometimes row about the smaller things, which can leave one partner thinking, “Why are they getting so mad about that?”

Staying in a long term relationship takes work and commitment. We change along the way as a result of our age and life experiences and we need to be able to acknowledge our differences and the impact these changes can make upon us as a couple. Sometimes we can get stuck in our old ways of relating which we learned a long time ago, and we need to find new ways to communicate our fears, hopes, needs, and desires to each other.

Sometimes couples know that they have reached the end of the road, and need the support and space to process these feelings of grief and despair, which the formal processes of mediation and divorce don’t offer the opportunity for. I am able to offer you a contained, boundaried space to do so.

For those who have been to boarding school as a child and subsequently have an abandonment wound, relationships can sometimes feel incredibly difficult to navigate at times. If you learned long ago that it was unsafe to express your feelings and needs, it may feel impossible to do so now.  I will bring my understanding and compassion of this, alongside an awareness of such issues should they be there and support you both to find new ways to communicate.  

It is also important for me to not pathologize the ex-boarder as “the problem.” I see difficulties in relationships as a result of what both parties are bringing and how they are relating to one another.  

I charge £120 per couple per session. (90 minutes)


1. Email to check availability

2. Book an initial consultation for you both: We will meet in person for 80 minutes and this will be an opportunity for you both to share what you both want from coming for Couples Therapy. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions that you may have and to see if I am the right person to support you both at the moment.

3. If you decide to go ahead, we will find a regular time that suits us all.


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