£295.00 GBP

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to those joining the Boarding School Awareness Course. ​ Please ensure you read them carefully and understand them in full.

Payment & Refunds

Fees are payable either via payment in full or via 2 x monthly payments. Payment in full is due upon sign up to the course, however the payment in 2 x monthly payments, you will be requested to pay your first monthly instalment upon sign up to the course and a further monthly instalment 30 days thereafter.

Should you choose to pay via the monthly instalment option, you are agreeing to ensure that funds will be available every month. Should we receive a default notification from our payment provider, we will reach out to you by email and ask you to make payment immediately to ensure continued access to the course.

Payments are non-refundable for the entire duration of the course regardless of whether or not the services provided are used by you.

Cancellation or Postponement

If for any reason I need to cancel or postpone one of the live online events, I will rearrange dates with advance notice provided and recordings will be made available for those unable to attend the live events.

Liability & Disclaimer

The workbooks for Integrate workbooks are made available as a resource to support your own wellbeing. I cannot guarantee any particular outcomes/results from using this online service.

​Course participants

All participants will be required to conduct themselves in a respectful and inclusive manner when communicating with others on the course. Participants are required to maintain confidentiality before, during and after, including not sharing details about other participants to third parties. If any member is deemed to be disruptive, inappropriate or abusive in anyway during the live sessions or in the private online community, they will be excluded from the group and no refund provided. ​

Intellectual Property

All material is for your personal use only and is not to be shared with others or used/reproduced or adapted in any way in whole or in part for your own workshop/event/coaching/therapy. You commit to keeping your course details including any passwords and Zoom links, confidential and for your use only.

Online Video Access

All live online sessions will be recorded and made available to members for viewing purposes for a short while after the course has ended, after which they will be deleted. They are not available for download.

Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

By registering and paying for The Boarding School Course For Ex-Boarders, you are confirming you have read and agree to the terms and conditions as set out above.

Integration (Payment In Full)

What will you get if you join the course? 

  • 4 module course to be spread over 8 weeks. First module being released on Monday 6th May

  • Additional two bonus modules: Bonus 1 'Women's Experience' and Bonus 2 'Men's Experience'.

  • Each module will be delivered fortnightly for you to watch in your own time with accompanying workbook to assist reflection and journaling.

  • Fortnightly live Q+A / group discussion with Amelia and others on the course every 2nd Wednesday evening.

  • Access to a safe and supportive private community for additional support, connection and friendship with others doing the course. You will receive an opportunity gain continued support in this private community after the 24 weeks.

  • Optional Paid 1:1 sessions with Amelia if you wish.

What will be covered?

This course comprises 4 modules plus two bonus modules allowing you to implement the changes that we may want to make and what will help you to do that.

We look at ways to quieten that critical voice you may have in your head, how to implement boundaries, and how to continue to find ways to live which will nourish and nurture you as the adult you are now.

How might the course benefit me

  • You will understand how and when the different parts of you show up and learn ways to express your needs and wants and desires and know that they matter.
  • You will find ways to assert your boundaries and be supported to express your needs. 
  • You will learn ways to reduce that inner critical voice in your head.
  • You will find a way to integrate the child who was left outside the school gates and bring them home.
  • You will step more fully into your authentic self and have more  acceptance of who you are.
  • You will develop connections, be supported by others in the group and build trust.
  • You will have the space to explore, be supported and input changes that will benefit you in your present life.

What People Are Saying:

“I have read a lot of books about BSS, CPTSD, trauma etc so I am aware of the issues and I am part of another BS Facebook group so know there is a commonality in the issues but listening to your video was the first time I have actually HEARD someone describe it so well and encapsulate it and as I said, it could have been me you were describing - so much of what you said was me - even down to the language you used - I have actually described myself in a relationship as always having one foot out of the bed, and describing that deep, profound loneliness , the hollowness and the never fitting in. Just this week I was trying to describe to someone how it was too dangerous to allow myself to ever completely trust anyone. They were shocked and just didn’t get it. Just hearing it articulated and understanding that it’s not me that is broken - I am a result of what I went through, just helps make sense of it. So thank you again for taking the time to make the video and for sharing it.”

“I can’t put into words how wonderful Amelia was to me, and how helpful she was in a very dark time in my life. I would recommend her to anyone. She changed my life, thank you Amelia”.

"I joined the course because I wanted to explore and heal more of the trauma of boarding school and to get more free from the impact of that experience on my life. And to be supported by a professional who has personal experience of this too and can therefore truly understand how devastating boarding school is. I enjoyed learning at my own rate, taking my time, having the space and the opportunity to pause and reflect when it felt like a lot to be processing. The greatest learning was truly understanding for the first time why my boarding school experiences had been so excruciatingly painful and validation of those feelings. I am now able to hold myself with more tender compassion and be with the feelings that arise, without feeling so overwhelmed by it and knowing that I am not alone. Completing this course has benefitted me as I feel that some of the pain has lessened and I am able to be more compassionate with myself and others who have also had this experience in their lives. It has given me the courage to go back to my boarding school to visit, which was a very empowering experience, to have the courage to be interviewed on a podcast about my experiences. I highly recommend working with Amelia, I will be doing more courses with her again in the future."

“To feedback, our sessions have had such a profound impact on my sense of self. The validation I have received and the insight to my own thoughts have allowed me to realise I am deserving of self-love and I am capable to follow a course that aligns with my own goals. Ultimately this had led to a fundamental belief that I am capable of finding and achieving happiness, a belief which seemed like an illusion not so long ago. For me the first step towards this happiness is acceptance; acceptance of the past experiences that have led me to who I am today, and then realising and acknowledging that I have changed and continue to change; knowing that I am now a different person (because of our sessions) is a sense of healing I never thought I would achieve, and I now feel excited for the future because I am now developing a different relationship with myself. This is quite difficult to articulate, because this is a totally new emotional sensational that I am learning to harness.”