
Co-ed Boarding Experience Questionnaire

Thank you so much for agreeing to be contacted about your co-ed boarding experience.

Below are some questions that will help me compile this book chapter about the impact of co-ed boarding on girls.

What you share will remain confidential with me and should I wish to use any content in the book, I would do so anonymously and let you know.


Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 19

What year were you sent to boarding school?

Question 2 of 19

What age did you go away to school and for how long?

Question 3 of 19

Why did you go to a co-ed boarding school?

Question 4 of 19

What was the ratio of boys to girls?

Question 5 of 19

Were the boys treated any differently to the girls?

Question 6 of 19

Was your boarding house all girls and all ages?

Question 7 of 19

What was it like going through puberty at school?

Question 8 of 19

Who were your female role-models? What were they like?

Question 9 of 19

What did you learn about your own gender?

Question 10 of 19

Are you aware of holding any misogyny to other women who demonstrate a more 'feminine' way of being?

Question 11 of 19

How do you think being sent away to school impacted your own relationship with your mother?

Question 12 of 19

What was pastoral care and safeguarding like at your school? 

Question 13 of 19

Were you encouraged into or exposed to sexual behaviours or acts that were inappropriate?

Question 14 of 19

How do you think going to a co-ed boarding school has impacted your own relationship with sex and your sexuality?*

(*What you share will remain confidential with me and should I wish to use any content in the book, I would do so anonymously and let you know)

Question 15 of 19

How do you think your schooling has shaped your relationships with men?

Question 16 of 19

How do you think your schooling has shaped your relationship with women?

Question 17 of 19

What do you think are the positives of going to a co-ed boarding school?

Question 18 of 19

If you had / have one, would you send your own daughter to a co-ed boarding school? If not, why not?

Question 19 of 19

How do you think being sent away to school impacted your own relationship with your father? 

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